An American Cook


Hello fellow foodies, farm lovers, and experimental cooks.  I hope you have as much fun cooking, and reading about cooking, as I do.  If you don’t love cooking, and maybe you are just searching for a recipe for that “big date” you have coming up, or you would like to change to some healthier eating habits, OR you just love reading about other’s wacky experiences, I’d like to thank you for reading, and hope you stick around!

Due to the blessings of being an Officer’s Wife, my husband’s Coast Guard career has recently moved us from a small town on the Oregon Coast to Jacksonville, Florida.  Moving catty-corner across the U.S. has given us a whole new take on food, and is continually adding memories to the recipe box.  Now, instead of catching 30-lb Albacore Tuna 38 miles off shore, I am mastering the art of frying green tomatoes, fresh from our backyard boxes.  While I haven’t had the pleasure of chewing perfectly fresh pasta in Tuscany, or sipping perfectly oaked Burgundy in France, I do have the experience of traveling America – through many states, cities, restaurants, and farm-fresh foods, I’ve welcomed eating my fill.

So, my point of adding to the limitless words of the oh-SO-many blogs in the web world is to share some stories, some food, and hopefully leave your kitchen smelling wonderful.  Just remember: if you need the answer to life, including how many potatoes you may get in your farm basket this week?  The answer is always: 42.


One Response to “An American Cook”


  1. Getting Saucy « 42 Potatoes - June 7, 2011

    […] About […]

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